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Aug 2023


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Pink Barbie dollar bill

She’s a Barbie girl, in a PRy world

Since the summer of 2022, Barbie Pink, now an official Pantone, has slowly been introduced to our...

Jun 2023


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Stick man walking tight rope over swirling water image

Likability is dead

A short history of cancel culture and how brands can avoid it.

Jun 2023


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Woman holding tin of juice, with a very long nose

The Digital Day dilemma: Are we all liars now?

I'm convinced we marketers are all, thankfully, liars, and the Marketing Society cemented that...

Apr 2023


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cartoon of underwear on washing line, on fire

Secrets and buys

How leveraging behavioural science can boost campaigns.

Mar 2023


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graphic with various media images and symbols

Consider yourself considered

How thoughtful marketing can make a big impact.

Feb 2023


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Various graphics with a blue background

Show your data some love

In these straitened times, with inflation still above 10%, every individual and every organisation...

Jan 2023


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Poster of various cartoon robots marching, with the tagline "I'm coming for your job"

How AI is already changing the game

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the advertising industry by providing new ways to...

Dec 2022


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Man standing with arms raised to the sky on the rock edge overlooking the ocean

Did your company culture die in the pandemic?

I apologise in advance. This is not a cheery, upbeat, end-of-year style thought piece. I want to...

Nov 2022


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Person in yellow top using a laptop

Adapt or die: the female guide to surviving a crisis

Our Mood of the Nation report was a snapshot of a country in crisis: 89% of people living in...

Oct 2022


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Medals on platforms

Comparative advertising: A knockout blow to the competition or self-inflicted wound?

Every so often we’re treated to the advertising equivalent of sporting trash talk, when brands go...

Sep 2022


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lightbulb in sand with sunset in background

Creativity isn’t an optional extra

Advertising has long been thought of as the canary in the coal mine. 

Aug 2022


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cutouts on male and female figures

Unconscious gender biases

Before we’re even born, gender impacts the way we are perceived and treated. 

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