What gets us up in the morning
Seven core values sit at the heart of The Union and oil the wheels of change. A magnificent and complimentary suite that underpin our vision and shape our culture. They are the essence of who we are and influence our beliefs, behaviours and decision-making. The very things we would salute and sing songs about around the campfire.

Our values
We challenge the status quo. We innovate, we question and push the boundaries of what we do, in order to deliver the most appropriate solutions to effect change.
We treat our colleagues, clients and suppliers with fairness and dignity. We behave with integrity. We do what we say we're going to do, when we say we’re going to do it.
We inspire and respect one another. A collaborative spirit galvanises us all and delivers the best results.
We are business-minded in our decision making. We understand the importance of the bottom line and work efficiently to minimise processes and maximise impact for our clients.
We enthuse our colleagues with our drive and passion. We are radiators, and have an infectious spirit of fun. Nothing is impossible.
We maintain the highest standards in our work and our behaviour. Without exception.
We are fleet of foot in our thinking and and always ready to act with speed and certainty. We are flexible, adaptable, fast-moving. We are not afraid of change.

“Do great work. Have fun. Make money.”