Our news

If you feel inclined and have the time on your hands, dip your toe into our news archive. This is also home to THUNK, where you can browse our monthly thought leadership articles and fire up those neurons.

Jul 2020


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Protesters with sign "Planet over profit"

Taking a stand

It was only last month I was browsing Boohoo for a new outfit, got distracted and glanced at...

Jun 2020


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Phone on table with ear phones plugged in

Lockdown Learning

Union Connect’s Account Manager, Georgia Waters, explores the booming lockdown learning...

May 2020


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Man on laptop, with headphone on

Do go changing

That's what Billy Joel should have said. 

Apr 2020


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Window with Thank you message for NHS

A Pandemic Polemic

Michael Hart, Creative Director, muses on the complicated relationship we have with the NHS. ...

Mar 2020


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Woman holding toilet paper rolls

Please watch your brands

Planner Georgia Bridgwood gives us some direction for the future of brands navigating these strange...

Feb 2020


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Group of ants on a tree branch

Collaborate to Accumulate

Collaboration tips for a healthy agency.

Jan 2020


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Gather Scotland marketing signage

Leadership language

"Congratulations to those men…" jabbed actor Issa Rae. She'd just finished the announcing the...

Dec 2019


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Neon sign lit up with the word written in red "Change"

Time for a change

“Change is a constant.” 

Nov 2019


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Coloured drawings of a page layout of a website

UX Masterclass

What is UX? What does UX design involve? The answer to these questions are probably different...

Nov 2019


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Two men writing on clear board with marker pens

Going big at Brighton SEO

BrightonSEO is Europe’s largest search marketing conference, taking place twice a year in the...

Nov 2019


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Touch screen panel on a table and card reader next to it

Gen Z whizz kids

Digital Day, hosted by BIMA, is an annual event where companies and schools are paired across the...

Oct 2019


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Piece of Chocolate cake on a plate

The Power of Not Saying.

Liam Biesty muses on breaking the big idea and solving the brief. 

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