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Iain McLaurin

Lead Statistician and Quantitative Researcher | Union Data

With over 20 years’ experience working as a survey statistician and statistical consultant over various sectors on a large number of projects, I am the lead statistician and researcher on most quantitative research projects for Union Insight. 

This includes conducting research projects for organisations as diverse as Scottish Water, Edinburgh Leisure, The Bar Council, University of Strathclyde, Paddy Power and WellKom International. Other clients have included the Sports Council for Wales (adult and school surveys), Welsh Assembly Government, Total Oil and Gas, Cello Group, Bright Blue Research, Scottish Funding Councils, Shire Health, NHS and the National Trust. More recently, Iain has led research projects for Union Insight clients including Food Standards Scotland, Zero Waste Scotland, Hymans Robertson, Scottish Friendly, JLR, Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, and Age Scotland. 

As research lead for Union Insight, I have overall responsibility for the survey design, sample design, survey weighting, mapping, and reporting, and all statistical analysis. In other words, I make sure the data we gather meets your research objectives.