Making suicide everyone’s business

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Creating a brand identity for public engagement under Scotland’s game-changing Suicide Prevention Action Plan was an important and complex challenge. How do you give people from all walks of life the confidence to rally behind one of the most taboo and uncomfortable topics? Thanks to a highly collaborative process, led by Scottish Action for Mental Health (SAMH) and involving 1,200 people cross Scotland, we produced a brand identity with universal appeal to galvanise support. An identity that key stakeholders can use with confidence, and which was central to the launch campaign.


10% increase in Scots saying they’d be confident speaking about the subject to family

7% increase saying they’d be confident talking to friends

2% increase in those saying they’d be confident talking to colleagues

United to prevent suicide logo

Launching this new initiative on World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September 2020, was a significant milestone for Scotland’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan, and for us as a group. More importantly however, United to Prevent Suicide is a movement needed now more than ever to support people in asking for, and giving, help in these really challenging times. I hope you and your colleagues know what a difference your professionalism, passion and commitment to listening to the voices of lived experience have made, and how much we appreciate what you have brought to this important work, on behalf of all those it will help over the next few years.

Rose Fitzpatrick CBE QPM Chair, National Suicide Prevention Leadership Group

United to prevent suicide logo - black
United to prevent suicide logo - white
Booklet - Scotland's new approach to suicide prevention
Purple t-shirt with United to prevent suicide logo
White hoodie with United to prevent suicide logo
booklet open on a page with the title Language
laptop computer with United to prevent suicide presentation on it saying Thank you