Paradise revisited

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Seychelles Tourism Board
2006 - 2022

In 2006 The Seychelles Tourism Board asked us to refresh the nation’s marketing, including a brand identity re-design. Key was the need to involve the local hospitality trade and make sure that all arms of Government were co-ordinated and on-side. We ran a 12-month process, which involved trade workshops and updates, which culminated in a new identity – the ‘freedom bird’. It encapsulated the tropical vibrancy of Seychelles, as well as the emotion that an escape to paradise brings. 

In 2022 they knocked on our door once more. Digital channels had become critical for the brand, and we needed to simplify and enhance the identity to work at smaller sizes and online. Post-COVID, competition for visitors was intensifying with both Maldives and Mauritius performing strongly. The freedom board would need to soar higher than ever.


87% local tourism provider approval

15% increase in tourism visitors

Seychelles Tourism Board logo
Seychelles Tourism Board logo
Seychelles Tourism Board logo
Seychelles Tourism Board advert wall board
Seychelles Tourism Board colour scheme

Refreshed colour scheme

A more stylized typeface

A more stylized typeface

Seychelles Tourism Board logo wave
group of Seychelles Tourism Board brochures
Seychelles Tourism Board t-shirts
Seychelles Tourism Board business cards
Seychelles Tourism Board tote bag
Seychelles Tourism Board logo old to new