The new campaign promotes the Library's exhibition on the Scottish Enlightenment, Northern Lights. The work, featuring arresting photography by David Boni, will run OOH and on social channels.
The exhibition takes a fresh look at one of the most concentrated periods of intellectual exploration the world has ever seen, a time when polymaths peer-reviewed, challenged and encouraged one another’s work through the many social networks available to them.
National Librarian, Dr. John Scally, said: “We have an unparalleled collection of items relating to the Scottish Enlightenment. Indeed, some of the chief figures such as David Hume and Adam Ferguson worked at our predecessor institution, the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. This exhibition tells the story of those who helped shape the world we live in today. These individuals developed radical ideas on the sciences, economics, society and identity, amid a growing awareness of the world around them."
The creative work by The Union dramatises a reaction to new ideas and emphasises the ground-breaking nature of the findings of the era, with the concept ‘Ideas that shook the world’.

Household names connected with the Scottish Enlightenment such as David Hume and Adam Smith feature in the exhibition, as well as other figures less commonly associated with it such as Robert Burns and James Watt. A rare first edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica will be on display, as well as a first edition of Smith’s Wealth of Nations. There are also countless unique manuscripts on show.
“It’s incredible to think of the sheer number of achievements, breakthroughs, inventions, and provocations produced by such a small country in such a short period of time. Scotland raised eyebrows and made jaws hit floors.” says Michael Hart, Creative Director of The Union.
Northern Lights opens on Friday 21 June and runs until 18 April 2020 at the National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW. Entry is free.