Union evokes golden age of travel for Scottish & Newcastle International

The Union has launched a new global press and direct marketing campaign for Scottish & Newcastle International. 


Briefed earlier this year to develop a campaign to increase the profile of S&N in the international travel retail arena, The Union has created a series of iconic images that mimic the timeless travel posters of the 1920s and 30s. The campaign includes adverts and direct marketing pieces for Fosters, Kronenbourg 1664, John Smith's, Strongbow and Newcastle Brown Ale. The theme running through everything is 'The brands that travel the world'. 

The Union commissioned top London illustrator Laurence Whiteley to create the images. Kate Sansom of S&N International commented, "We are delighted with the campaign, and many of the key buyers we sent the direct mailing to commented on the originality and quality of the idea. For the first time, we were present at the prestigious Tax Free World Association exhibition in Cannes this year, and we had a really strong theme and visual identity for the event." 

The campaign was created by David Aylesbury and Martin Hartley at The Union, and the direct marketing component was devised by Only-U, The Union's Direct Marketing agency.

Image of glass of John Smith's as a steam ship