Celebrated TTNN news anchor Casey Kaplinksi, who broke the story, said: “I’ve covered Watergate, Reagan’s inauguration and the moon landing but the History Bug is possibly the biggest story of them all.”
The source of the bug has been traced to over 70 sites across Scotland – all owned and managed by Historic Scotland. The experts there are calling it THE HISTORY BUG and are encouraging people to see the symptoms at getthebug.scot or report it using the hashtag #getthebug.
Historic Environment Scotland (HES), the lead public body in promoting Scotland’s historic environment, has launched a campaign to remind boys and girls aged 8 months to 80 years of the infectious fun that immersing in Scotland’s history can be.
It supports a membership offer where applicants get 6 months free membership by joining Historic Scotland before April 30th 2017.
According to Gillian Macdonald, Head of Sales & Marketing at HES: “Our heritage is full of fascinating characters and stories. It only takes one tale of our heroic and colourful past to have you displaying all the symptoms of the History Bug.”
Created and directed by Creative Director, Michael Hart and Senior Art Director, Andrew Muenchow at The Union, the integrated campaign includes a 30” TV spot and a suite of online videos informing viewers of the symptoms and how to get treatment.
This work reunites The Union with Historic Scotland after a gap of several years. The agency worked for Scotland's premier built heritage body previously, producing many award-winning campaigns, both above the line and digital.