The champion of transformation

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Let’s be honest, most of us get lost in the technical details when it comes to things like solar panels and EV Chargers. It can all seem just a little overwhelming. But with all the great benefits to wallets and planets that ScottishPower’s products and services offer, we don’t want anyone missing out. We need to explain the ins and outs in language that’s simple and easy to understand. And the more down-to-earth and friendly we are, the more successful ScottishPower will be. And that’s where Bruce flies in. We created this new and endearing brand ambassador to help convey ScottishPower’s new positioning as a green technology company. Inspired by the ‘Green Hairstreak’ butterfly, the UK’s only green butterfly, Bruce perfectly embodies the message of green transformation.

Animated green moth character on street ad banner campaign
Animated green moth character ad campaign
Animated green moth character ad campaign
Animated green moth character ad campaign
Animated green moth character on street ad banner campaign
Animated green moth character on street ad banner campaign