Web Analytics and Measurement

"So what?" is one of the most powerful digital marketing questions, and web analytics and measurement are the routes to finding the answer. We agree on KPIs with you, and then our projects are appropriately benchmarked and then held to the performance framework.

Websites need to be designed and built with analytics in mind. There should be data layers, data attributes and confirmation pages for Google Tag Manager to read and respond to, feeding Google Analytics with valuable data for Google Ads, other automated solutions and human marketers with knowledge.

Digital activity, whether business as usual or campaigns, has sanity metrics that marketers should track and vanity metrics that marketers could track. Reporting, dashboards and the far more time consuming and challenging task of distilling data down to actionable intelligence and recommendations are not hygiene; they're heartbeat. All tracking needs to be legal and ethical, and while we are not lawyers and cannot offer legal advice, we can share our experience, solutions and insights.

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